Joyce Trumble

Joyce Trumble

Director, REdirect Assist

Joyce joined the REdirect team in 2010, with over 25 years' experience in the real estate software industry. She has extensive knowledge of the commercial real estate business, with experience in construction, IT, and operations within the businesses of a self-managed REIT and a developer, owner and manager. When she joined MRI/Intuit Real Estate Solutions, Joyce brought that client knowledge to the support and product development areas of the organization and worked to position the company as a leader in globalization and data exchange standards. She has worked with commercial and multi-family businesses, providing training, documentation, customization and support services to improve and simplify their business solutions.

Joyce Trumble

Articles from Joyce

Everyone we worked with was professional, knowledgeable and did everything they could to ensure the end result was what we wanted and that we met our timetable.

Mirriam Livingstone – Vice President of Internal Auditing, Operations and IT Services

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